Friday, June 19, 2009

A Post on being Shaken.

I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. [The] seraphim... cried to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
The whole earth is full of His glory!”
And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. So I said:
“Woe is me, for I am undone!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King,
The LORD of hosts.”

God is a God of shaking. He shakes the foundations of things so that He can be the only thing that holds us. At the proclamation of His Holiness, nothing can stand. The foundations of our bodily frames are shaken just as the posts of the doors were shaken. Before Him there must be a shaking of the things that are not of Him to fall to the ground, and bow, and for the things that can't be shaken, they will remain.If it was the seraphim whose voice shook the post of the door, how much the Voice of the Lord??

How I know this shaking very well. Coming to terms of transferring to another school and leaving my rva family, I have realized that in many ways I have married rva. And because I saw this "marriage" as such a blessing, I could not understand why God would want me to divorce it. Divorce is not a thing of the LORD, right? ...I left my home to marry rva only finding out later that I was to marry this Godman named Jesus. Go figure. My foundations have been shaken.

So now I'm divorcing rva and am being betrothed in this wilderness... and He's softened my heart and put me in a place of realizing that pursuit of any other thing is meaningless. When your heart becomes buried in the heart of the Father, you begin to realize that nothing else matters. absolutely nothing. He is my exceedingly great reward. And if I were to live one thousand days of dryness for one day in His courts, one moment of nearness with the Lord, it would be worth it. He suffered and died a death and is alive, and calls me the reward of His suffering. He says we are His portion!! Whhhaaat???? God, you are worthy!

there is so. much. more. I want to share, but this just has t be it for now because I gots to go. go. go.


  1. This post has spoken into my life and I will share how: My foundations have been shaken, more than they ever have. I have been shaken being in Florida realizing that I have married myself emotionally and so on to a woman who is no longer with me and who I had made central in my life and relied on for happiness and purpose. I was convinced that nothing would separate us. The total shock didn't hit me till I saw her (she lives a block away from the program in Florida, ends up attending and sat next to me till yesterday) and for the past three weeks I have been in shambles. It has been the hardest three weeks of my life. and I am still, literally shaking from the hurt and the ties that I have been trying to untangle and disconnect. But it has been three weeks full of blessings and the Lord has held me in his love and peace and He is at hand. He has drawn me closer to Him, just because I asked! You are worthy of all of me God. everything else is meaningless.
    -Sorry if it's confusing, there's allot to explain to make sense, but the Lord is at hand.

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