This is my little nook. My apologies, it's hard to see (if you'd like, click here to see it up close).
After making some complaints about my previous desk, a certain mr. aaron decided he'd build me one, one that suited me. And it suits me well, let me tell youu! As it happens, I've developed an affinity for the place in which it sits- all because of this desk. I think I should call this favorited spot, "The Corner."
Today, I've finally settled into it. The smell of the varnish is still clinging on, and makes my room oh so aromatic.. mmmm.
You might be wondering what's with the outhouse cutout in the cabinet door, and why there are a total of five knobs screwed on. We decided an outhouse symbol was appropriate because this will be where I'll keep all my crap. I said crap! And the knobs? Well, it's just for style, because you know, if I have a desk, I need sumpin' to fit my steeze. Youuu know!
(many thanks to mr. aaron, my love and my personal carpenter.)
oh hi. this is me.
I invite you now into my thoughts:
There is nothing more satisfying than hearing a room burst with laughter the instant you make a joke. hahahaha! It's the zest of life! I think mostly because it usually happens when I am most myself. Catch me candid, please! And don't hold your breath, belt it out with bursts of air! Feel it big! And round! Feel it swoop down into your belly, and come out of the funnel that is your mouth, and indulge!
Why have these thoughts been roaming around my head? Because yesterday:
Yesterday I found myself sitting in front of a classroom acting as a panelist for a discussion on cultural differences. (though, I'm probably no more foreign than you are). I was incredibly nervous at the start, but after eliciting a response to a certain question, the knots in my gut were cut loose as people roared, doubling over in their seats. Thank you, thank you! I am in myself, and satisfied.
Aaron (the same mr. aaron) once told me, "Laughter reinterprets life." And so it does.
To me, it's joy, sealed in grace-- for such broken creatures, we've been endowed with the ability to experience such rapture.
So. Let's participate often in this divine providence. Let's laugh, and let ourselves go!
random, but funny, no?
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