Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life Currently: On Lessons.

Have you felt the fall breeze recently? Slowly blowing through, cool and crisp, I feel it coming.

It's been dawning on me that this past summer has been spent learning that life is full of lessons... and so I learn. And I tell myself, "Pay attention (to all the things that swirl around you, to every movement of your mind, body, soul; pay close attention)."

Of recent, I have found a love for routine. Once I realized that I actually had a few in place, I couldn't go back. It stole me. There is something very beautiful about having a routine, I think it speaks of faithfulness. My faithfulness to it, and its faithfulness to me. I wake up in the morning, make my bed, put toothpaste on my toothbrush, plop on the bathroom floor, and brush brush brush. That's my morning routine, and I love it. It's simple, but its
simplicity is what I'm taken by. It just feels so good to be faithful to something.

My routines are the few things in life presently that are left uninterrupted, and undisturbed. It's sacred to me as I am learning what it means to hold myself accountable to something that I intrinsically know is good for my soul. Who'd a thunk brushing your teeth could be so freeing?! It is for me. I could go on about how good routines are, how a rhythm keeps one present, how my routines have helped me see deeper into my truest self... but I shant. Mostly because
I'm still processing.

Summer, you were a deep breath for me, sometimes a huff of frustration, but nonetheless, thank you. Autumn, you are not yet.

And of course, a few photos:

Not bad.
Sister fran.
Clementine did something very unlady like.

1 comment:

  1. here's a romantic word: ritual

    i just love your writing
