I feel ready. For tomorrow. I'll be in a hustle and bustle no doubt, but I'll feel ready. It's like that feeling you get when you take the biggest breath you can before going underwater. You know you'll eventually run out of air when you get down under, but here it goes, I'll plunge! And down I go, holding my breath, attempting to swim, with so much courage to beat against my fears, I'll go.
Tomorrow is the day I'll come in for an orientation for my new job as a teacher assistant; and if I'm not mistaken, I'll fill out paperwork, and then. my very first. real. adult. job assignment. will be handed. to me. One more step closer to the realities of being in classrooms where I'm no longer the student. No more endless applications, no more nerve-racking interviews, no more waiting around for phone calls. No more. (well, sorta)
Tomorrow will feel like an inauguration of sorts. Hopefully, my strides down the echo-filled hallways will be marked with such grace, my speech will be distinguished with loads of charm (doubtful, I come very honest), and there will be an air of confidence about me. Wohoo!
Truth is, they're not ready for this wreck of a woman.
"I am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions." -Augusten Burroughs
I'm a mess most days. It might not appear so, but on the inside, I feel it. Good intentions, shine bright tomorrow, and every single working day after that, okay?
Hopefully my small quirks will be endearing, and I pray I bless someone tomorrow. Because Lord knows, it's a piece of heaven when you've been blessed by another. And in the workplace no less! It will be like manna. (manna for me, and manna for them)

here's to the plunge!
wow, its already Sunday and I am just now reading this?! lovesss it.