Saturday, November 20, 2010
the in-between.
Monday, October 25, 2010
To the Moon.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
And Quote
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
standing still
Saturday, September 18, 2010
this is my prayer
Saturday, September 4, 2010
a moment of metropolis

Monday, August 30, 2010
summer in summary
Sunday, August 15, 2010
until then
we went unnoticed. sneaky sneaky, I agree]
along our walk to the restaurant after an Acts29 conference]
Monday, July 26, 2010
Root Bear
[The story: we were driving through the mountain, and went up up up trying to find a good spot. My sister lets us know that there are monster bears that hang out all around the same mountain we're tryin to camp out at. Thanks for lettin us know sis! We got to a point where we just thought we were at the wrong place, and boom! We see this huge dead thing in the middle of the road, and we freak out because it looked like a dead eaten up animal and its bones. Nope, just a dead branch with leaves all over. That's all. ha ha ha jokes on us!]
I helped my dad make some fig jam. Oh boy! When I was rinsing off the jars and sat them on the kitchen counter, I noticed that our harvest is plenty! We've got big bowls full of tomatoes, pears, okra, and other veggies that I don't know the name for. Kind of exciting, don't you think?!
On a more meaningful note:
Last night at Big House, while we were worshiping I was so touched by the willingness of the Lord to break us in order that He could heal us and make us more whole than we could have ever imagined Him to. He is the Restorer and He revives us, makes us newer than new. How good is He? Reminds me of Gomer.
"Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
will bring her into the wilderness,
and speak comfort to her.
I will give her her vineyards from there,
and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope;
she shall sing there,
as in the days of her youth,
as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt."
Hosea 2:14-15
I will lean, and lean, and lean. And then I will fall, and fall, and fall again in Love.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
repost: on shutting up
on shutting up
i’m getting a little tired of hearing myself talk lately. i’m not feeling wise or profound or salty. i’m feeling bland and dull… and actually relatively unsure about almost everything right now apart from the pressing feeling that my Father is working something deep in me that can’t yet be articulated.
i used to think of my blog, though i feel silly admitting it, as a fountain of emotional transparency paired with spiritual depth and insight. i wrote for myself, and i wrote what was true, but i think i thought i was doing you (readers) some sort of small service by my writing. whether or not that is accurate, i’ll let you determine.
but i’m running out of things to say. i’m silenced by the mystery that life is right now; the mystery that God Himself is in the midst of it. I’m a bit tired, truthfully, of working to chase down my Life Calling and to walk in step with the Spirit. i’m certain that it’s not supposed to be that tiring (“my yoke is easy and my burden is light. you’ll find rest for your souls,” He said), which means i’m doing something wrong. i know Him well enough to know that He will not lose me. but, still, something is off.
the remedy? to pray more, to concentrate on hearing His voice, to get into circles of fellowship that will challenge me, to worship with other people, to take a retreat? well, most of that feels like more striving. so, i’m opting to shut up instead. to shut up with the internal dialogue AND with the verbose musings.
my prayers these days are more about the posture of my heart than the words i speak (or don’t). but i’m praying. in fact, i know that He’s near right now and doing something vital. but i’m just at a loss for words.
posts for a little bit here will probably be “shallow” and focused more on ordinary day-to-day things.
[...every sinner has a future]
[a bit grainy, but other than that, I like it, this was
after a dance party we went to //fan plan//
oh and this is not me, it's my sister, get it straight][sabbath afteroon at ze church for lunch munch,
and despedida for the missions team][paparrazzi shot at guitar center]
[she's old and fat, her name is Charka. I met her
at the Fil-Am festival, she has short legs, and likes to sit][mi familia celebrates another young one into the fold
at a buffet. it's the only way to party really btw, the
prego cousin-in-law isn't in the pic, nor is the new popz]
Thursday, June 3, 2010
creating space for the spirit
It's been about 29 days since Spring semester 2010 has ended, of which, upon ending, 29 days of summer has since passed. And in those 29 days, I've found myself... bored. Out of boredom, I've cooked, tried new recipes, did some sewing, some reading, gardened a bit-- all of which has been very enjoyable. I'm happy that I can catch up on my little hobbies this summer, except for the fact that doing all the things I love alone can sometimes be... well, lonely. Nonetheless, it's rewarding. I enjoy the presence of Jesus in my time of pleasant loneliness, probably because I know I'm not alone.
I have to admit, I do miss having a community of people who provoke me to love Jesus more. But I guess that's why God sometimes brings us into wilderness, to walk in the unity of the triunal God, in His family. It's been about a year, and I'm still learning to be wholly satisfied... still praying for the Lord to bless my friendships, pray with me? Yeah? =)
So, in my plight of summer survival, I realized how drunk I've gotten off of the spirit of this age. I was made for more, and my disillusioned heart will no longer believe in the lie that binds me to what will inevitably turn to dust. Rather than being cynical and believing that it is impossible to live and walk in the fullness of God, I dare to put on faith that speaks of hope alive in Jesus, who makes all things possible for me. I want to seek what is more enthralling than the pleasures of this world, to seek.. Jesus. Because there is nothing boring about You. So Jesus, would You awaken my soul yet again, let love be awakened as You have desired it. Amen and Amen.
Let this summer be about loving You, creating space for the Spirit yet again and again, so to love You with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
my day.
Often times, I think I should only blog and journal if I have something worthwhile to write, only if I have something valuable to share: life lessons, thoughts, pains, the highlighted joy at the time. But in these past few days of grieving over loved ones, I've realized life is too short to be selective with what I recount. I want to look at my life and absorb whatever is in this place God has set me in. I mean, when you think about it, history is fascinating and could have only been appreciated if someone was writing it down. Thus, from this point forward, I would like to intentionally call myself a scribe, one who writes down what has been unfolded before them.
Here's my first attempt:
Today was my grandma's funeral. The night before she died was the hardest for me... the viewing and funeral were not as emotional as I thought it would be (but my lack of emotions may have been due to the fact that I don't know how to act around so many people.. like how do you greet your cousins, who you met for the first time, at a funeral? Do you smile? I just don't know)
My family came in late for the memorial service (we're stuck in filipino time, always late). We had walked in the middle of my Unlce Ferdi's speech, followed by my cousin Erika. One thing that stuck to me was their little footnotes about the relationships within their family. Uncle Ferdi recollected how Grandma Lina hated how the family would fight, and Erika shared how, last Christmas, when the whole family was together, there was a sparkle in Grandma Lina's eye, glazed from tears, and she said, "I am proud."
As I'm recalling all of this, I'm reminded of the night before Grandma Lina died. My Auntie Teri told me that Grandma hated it when the door to her room was closed. When she was sick, she always wanted the door open so she could hear all the noise.
After the memorial service, I know one sure thing about my Grandma Lina: that she loved love, especially the love within family. I'm sure that she wanted to hear noise because she loved the proximity of family, of people, the nearness of loved ones. That was her joy.
So I also got to spend some time with cousins and family who I haven't seen in a long time after the funeral. The sight of their faces makes my heart leap and I'm drawn immediately into an embrace. I just want to know them, and I hate every wall that is walled up simply because I don't see them often. They're part of my family, and I find it my right to know them... God I pray you let me know them, and that you let me love them this way.
Whenever she would tell me things about him, I could see something change in my sister. I could tell she was so touched by the love he so freely gave, so much so that it even changed me... You could tell that he was so transformed in the love of Christ, that it was able to expand, reach out, and grip my sister's heart, that it then translated itself into my sister's stories, and touched me, a third party. Wow.
I was reading one of his blogs, and he quoted Dostoevsky: "To love [someone] is to see them as God intended them."
I really like that quote.
And I really could keep talking about Love forever, and even if I did, my ideas of love would still be diminished. It's just so real and enlivening. It frees people, and it heals them too.
I want to love deeply every second of my life.
RIP Grandma Lina, and Matt King.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Food for Thought.
"What will you trade your life for?"
-Neue Magazine, The Reproducing Church
I didn't have much care for this article, but it's initial question struck me, and stopped me from reading any further. What am I willing to trade my life for? More appropriately, what have I already traded my life for? ...What is it that I've given myself to in this life?
If it's for nothing, then all of this is in vain... how terrible would that be?
Oh! The illusions of this world are SO convincing! This idea that momentary pleasure actually lasts for eternity?? Uh, no. No. To live for the whims of this life, in this side of eternity, would be living dead: dead in the inside. I don't want that.
..just some thoughts.
[I should be working on 2 major papers right now... haven't started, yikes!]
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I don't usually listen to the Pope.
“Through fasting and praying, we allow Him to come and satisfy the deepest hunger that we experience in the depths of our being: the hunger and thirst for God.”
– Pope Benedict, Lenten message, 2009
Good one Pope Benedict! Like.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Lord giveth and He taketh away.
1. The end is near.
2. Jesus is coming.
3. All things are temporary.
These three things have led me to me to this internal struggle that I just need to get out there. The reality that everything that my own hands have established on this earth can be swept away in an instant has been becoming more real to me. It's almost scary. It could all be GONE. This next instant.
Understanding this gives me motivation to leave everything if it's not going to mater in this next instant. I want to know the goodness of the Lord in the midst of trial and tribulation before it happens. Now I understand Job's story.
And so this lifestyle of giving is rooted out of the love and compassion of Christ, as well as the full trust and confidence in Christ who sustains, and that nothing belongs to me, nor will my things remain for eternity.
The Lord giveth and He taketh away.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
My first blog of 2010.
It has only been 2 weeks and we've seen on average 10 people come to Noon prayer every day. One day we hit about 15 people! It's not the number that encourages me, it's the fact that there is an apparent campus-wide desire for the Lord to rest on ODU. I went to Intervarsity on Monday, and to my surprise and without much warning, the entire message for the first large group lead up to encountering Jesus through prayer. They made an intentional announcement about Noon prayer too! The second day of school, a passer-byer stopped to join the prayer huddle, only to find himself asking Christ to fill him and receive salvation! How can one not be encouraged???
This movement is a movement of God's heart and Spirit upon us that no man can fabricate.
There's just this certain kind of expectancy for what He is about to do. And I am literally on the verge of shedding some tears because the words and prayers that have been sown into faith this past year are slowly reaping forth dreams realized. And it has only been the first few weeks of school!!
I've had people speak into me this past week too. Through their kind words, the Lord has been reaffirming to me that I am His choice possession. So comforting when you realize your inadequacy as a leader, that despite my short comings, He still desires that He use me.
Again, things are good. There's even a set of friends who I have been making real relationship with from Big House Church, and they're such beautiful people, inside and out. Last Monday we met together to read scripture, worship, and fellowship. We all ended up praying for one and another and the Lord began to pour it down on us!! Holy Spirit was so tangible. haha
He is doing much, and yet again, I still find myself burdened in my spirit.
Through all of this, I'm beginning to see many prophetic words come to pass. About a month ago, someone had a word that I would be going through the fire but to take heart. Maybe this burden is supposed to be comforting? That again, I am where I am supposed to be? If so, do what You want to do in me God. Fire puts me in awe... and it's usually in the fire that I am most fascinated by You because You preserve my life - where the burdens are light and the yoke is easy, where abundance still remains in the life that I do possess. I still love You, and I still want more of You! Just wanted to tell you that God! =)
Oh this season is not over yet but I'm on my way to the Promised Land, I'm on my way to Paradise. For now, I want to honor this season and what He has for me while here, I want it all.